Monthly Archives: October 2013
The Impact Downtown Albany Strategy
October 30, 2013 – 7:00 pm
What is the Impact Downtown Albany strategy? Impact Downtown is a first-of-its-kind, fully comprehensive, future-focused plan for Downtown Albany. Its results-driven implementation initiative will act as a guide for local redevelopment and reinvestment in a manner that meets the needs of residents, businesses and other stakeholders. Stay tuned for exciting news and updates on Impact […]
Downtown Tactical Plan News: Corning Preserve Waterfront Park Plan Public Workshops
October 10, 2013 – 7:37 pm
To download the flyer, click here. As part of the tactical revitalization plan for Downtown Albany, Capitalize Albany Corporation is working with the City of Albany and a world-class consultant team to develop the Corning Preserve Waterfront Master Plan. This effort, funded in part by NYS Department of State builds from the soon-to-be completed Local […]
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