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Impact Downtown Briefing Booklet

The strategy development process for Impact Downtown is wrapping up.  The summer months have been spent analyzing market data and digesting key stakeholder input.  As a result of this analysis in combination with stakeholder input the Downtown Briefing Booklet was created.  We are excited to share this booklet to provide a briefing on the vision for the future and findings from the Impact Downtown Albany revitalization strategy. To read the Impact Downtown Briefing Booklet click here.


September 13 through 23, 2014 at Tricentennial Park

Capitalize Albany Corporation, through its Impact Downtown Strategy, will host a pop-up project, Pop-Place. The project features creative, engaging pop-up shops  in and around Tricentennial Park. An Evening Experience will be held on September 18th from 5-8p to showcase the entire project. To read the full event details click here.

State of Downtown Albany Market Series:

May 8, 2014- the State of Downtown Albany Market Series – Retail

In this final installation of the State of Downtown Albany Market Series, Capitalize Albany Corporation welcomed expert retail consultant, Michael Berne of MJB Consulting, to present the existing conditions analysis of retail in Downtown. To read the full release click here.

April 27, 2014- the State of Downtown Albany Market Series – Office

In the second installation of the State of Downtown Albany Market Series, Capitalize Albany Corporation welcomed expert consultants Sarah Woodworth of W-ZHA consulting and Ben Carlson of Goody Clancy. Also presenting at the event was Dr.James J Malatras of the State University of New York, who focused on Start-Up NY, and Michael Fancher of the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, who focused on attracting technology companies to Downtown. To read the full release click here.

March 11, 2014- the State of Downtown Albany Market Series – Housing

In this first installment of the State of Downtown Albany Market Series, Capitalize Albany Corporation welcomed expert consultants Sarah Woodworth of W-ZHA, Laurie Volk of Zimmerman-Volk, Ben Carlson of Goody Clancy and David Dixon of Stantec. The consultants presented the existing conditions analysis of housing in Downtown Albany. To read the full release click here.

Waterfront/Corning Preserve Masterplan:

January 28, 2014- Corning Preserve Masterplan Open House

On January 28th the Department of Development and Planning presented the concept and phasing plans for the Corning Preserve/Waterfront, that were created as a response to the Corning Preserve/Waterfront workshop held in October of 2013. To read the full release and find out more on the Corning Preserve Masterplan, click here.

October 17 & 19, 2013- Corning Preserve Masterplan Workshop

On October 17th and 19th the Department of Development and Planning hosted a workshop to develop specific short, mid and long-term plans for the revitalization of the Corning Preserve. To find out more about the Corning Preserve Masterplan, click here.

General Impact Downtown Albany Events:

November 19th – Impact Downtown Albany kick-off

On November 19th Impact Downtown Albany officially launched with a celebration in Ten Eyck Plaza that included live music, food and numerous Pecha Kucha presentation. To read the press coverage and press release about this event, click here.
