Ashley Mohl
Interim President
Ashley has more than 15 years of experience in the economic development field, specializing in small business assistance and strategic initiatives. Ashley leads a team of economic development professionals implementing the Corporation’s business attraction and retention efforts, grant administration and development of strategic programs and initiatives in support of strengthening the City’s local businesses and many commercial districts. Read more.
Andrew Biggane
Director of Finance & Operations
Andrew manages Capitalize Albany’s fiscal, operational and human resources, procedures and processes.
He comes to Capitalize Albany Corporation with more than 15 years of experience overseeing financial management, banking, and investment operations for leading organizations in upstate New York. Read more.
Michael Bohne, APR
Communications & Marketing Manager
Mike is a proud City resident living in downtown Albany and enjoys a walkable commute to the office in the morning. As Communications & Marketing Manager Mike facilitates the Corporation’s public relations management function — provides expertise in message development, media relations, manages the Corporation’s publications, website, social media, and other news sources. Our communications enhance our programs, amplifying our abilities to create, retain, and attract business in the City of Albany. Prior to joining the team at Capitalize Albany Mike worked as a public relations consultant. Read more.
Andy Corcione
Director of Real Estate Development
Andy serves as the Director of Real Estate Development at Capitalize Albany Corporation. His practice area focuses on supporting citywide commercial real estate development and investment. Andy also serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the City of Albany Industrial Development Agency where he works closely with Agency applicants to assist with new construction and redevelopment projects in Albany’s target growth sectors. Prior to this role, Andy managed the Corporation’s in-house grant programs that focus on financing development in the City’s downtown and neighborhood commercial corridors and supporting small business growth. Read more.
Renee McFarlin
Senior Economic Developer II
Renee serves as senior economic developer, managing grant administration, assisting business attraction, local business support and programming in the City of Albany.
Prior to joining the team at Capitalize Albany Renee served as Clinton County’s Economic Development Director, and Executive Director of the Clinton County Industrial Development Agency. She also spent three years working for a member of the House of Representatives, where she worked extensively with the regional constituency on identifying, applying to, and administering grant programs for infrastructure and economic development projects in the Congressional District. Read more.
Cassidy Roberts
Program Assistant
Cassidy serves as a Program Assistant at Capitalize Albany Corporation, furthering the development of Capitalize Albany grant programs, supporting business development and administration while building relationships with local businesses in Albany and the Capital Region.
Before joining the team at Capitalize Albany, Cassidy worked as a Project Manager at Entrepid Corporation, a global systems integrator specializing in data recovery solutions. She also spent time conducting research with local Albany businesses to better gauge the potential impacts of hybrid work environments during the Covid-19 pandemic, discovering her passion for supporting small business development in the process. Read more.
Olivia Sewak
Program Assistant
Olivia serves as a Program Assistant at Capitalize Albany Corporation, furthering real estate development in the city, supporting the Corporation’s strategic initiatives, and aiding in the mission of making Albany a place where businesses and residents thrive.
Olivia is a proud City of Albany resident. She brings a background in real estate administration, communications, and nonprofit administration to the role. Olivia discovered her passion for economic development during her time at the University at Albany, where she spent time studying the development of American cities in the 20th century. Read more.
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